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BR score relatively unchanged, Timed up 12 points predicament. Anyone want to get in touch?

ConnorC80ConnorC80 Core Member
in General 56 karma

My BR score has remained in the mid 160s with 166 being the highest, 164 being the lowest over the past 4 PTs. There is no question type that I am particularly struggling with, most of my wrong answers I just did not fully understand what I was reading. As for my timed scores my first PT was a 148 and it gradually has gone up each test with the highest and most recent one a 160. What do other people recommend I do? My goal for BR is to get it around 172-175 and my timed to be high 160s latest by January, hopefully by November or October. Should I just take practice tests over and over until it goes up? Is there any specific strategy I am missing? Side note: If anyone is in my same position and has the same goals would you like to get in touch and chat / study occasionally in discord? I am enrolled in school so I am taking 1 PT a week atm and drilling other days.

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