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venting about the sept lsat

maggie.02maggie.02 Alum Member

scores come out a week from today and i can't stop stressing about it. i genuinely do not know what to expect which is a little scary because i'm also registered to take the october test and i don't know how much studying i should be doing before i know if i got a score that would be good enough to withdraw from october. how is everyone else feeling? what are you doing to calm nerves in the next week? is anyone else in the same boat with the october test?


  • tuffnoogeystuffnoogeys Alum Member
    39 karma

    Hi! I also took the September LSAT and I'm also planning on taking it again (November). I think that the best way to go about it is to keep studying in these next two days anyways. If you get the score you want and withdraw, then you dont need to study any more and you should feel good about it!

    But if you receive ur score and think you can do better, then at least you will not have wasted these few extra precious days of studying, and you can take a day or two to rest/ recharge right before ur test. Hope this helps and good luck!

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