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Martin01Martin01 Member
For the regular weaken and strengthen questions, I am starting to get better. However, when it comes to causation, I am really confused. There is so much information to take in.

Can someone please give me some pointers?


  • Dgelf321Dgelf321 Free Trial Member
    87 karma
    What specifically about causation do you find yourself struggling with? As a general rule, I try to approach causation questions with skepticism, and the trusty "correlation doesn't imply causation" mantra. At times I frequently find that there may be a reversal between both components, as in the Argument contends A causes B, but rather B causes A, or an independent 3rd cause that affects both, or no relationship at all save for a correlation. It helps to get in this skeptical frame of mind. Obviously each question is different but if you continue to solve them, you'll notice yourself become more attuned to frequent argument flaws, and you'll start to anticipate the answer choices. Furthermore, if you can see examples of the cause without the effect, or the effect with the cause this may be a clear indication of the argument's purported causation to not be true. Hope this helps!
  • LoraxManLoraxMan Alum Member
    180 karma
    Here's the framework I use:

    Stimulus: A correlates with B, so A causes B (*Correlation implies causation*)

    B causes A
    C causes A and B
    Relationship is a coincidence

    Rule out B causing A
    Rule out C causing A and B
    Rule out Relationship is a coincidence

    Stimulus: A causes B (*Causation is referenced or used*)

    A occurs and B does not occur
    A does not occur but B does occur
    Alternate cause identified (includes reversal)

    A occurs and B occurs
    A does not occur, B does not occur
    Alternate cause blocked (includes reversal)

    Sound about right? Would welcome additions/suggestions!

  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    Bump because this rocks
  • as5324therapyas5324therapy Member
    175 karma
  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    @LoraxMan Great summary! That can help newbies and vets alike. @Martin01 Do you have access to the curriculum?
  • Martin01Martin01 Member
    343 karma
    Yes. And, I have been improving. Thank you. I will be in contact!
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