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Increasing Confidence

lsat_letsgolsat_letsgo Alum Member
in General 14 karma

Hi all,

I started studying for the LSAT about eight months ago, and I started seriously studying/taking PTs in the last four months or so. I have consistently faced the issue of not being confident enough whenever I am on timed sessions. I see myself changing my answers from correct to wrong answers on LR. I am current in the low 160s 161-164 range, and every time I BR, all the correct answers are so obvious. My BR is in the 170s. But whenever, it is under time, either I don't see the correct answers or I just get so fixated on the wrong answer. I also have had problems with except questions. I would think to myself that it is an except question, and then by the time I get to the last answer choice I just forget that I was dealing with the except question. Any advice on mechanisms/strategies on how to improve confidence/preventing careless answers? I have been trying to do some strategies like, pointing at ACs as I read through. My RC could also be better, like around -4. -5 right now. I get to -2 or 0 when I BR for RC. For RC, my main issue is with rushing the last paragraph when I get freaked out.

I was hoping to take the October LSAT, but it seems like I might have to withdraw and shoot for November. Any advice for whether or not I should sit for October? This is mainly also because I have taken it twice already and once canceled/ one in the 160s. Thank you.

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