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What to do in the meantime

guerreros.jacobguerreros.jacob Live Member
in General 5 karma

So I'm taking the LSAT in about a month now, so I really want to buckle down and squeeze the last few extra points I can out of it. The only problem is that I work full time and find it difficult to come home and take a full length test, so I limit the amount of test I take to one a day on Saturday and Sunday. I just feel that, after a long day of work, I wouldn't be able to preform like I should, and wind up getting frustrated. Should I focus most of my weeknights into drills, or is there a different strategy I should be looking at?


  • domo9171domo9171 Live Member
    7 karma

    I'm in a similar boat here (work 9-5:30PM M-F). What I've been doing is drilling Monday and Tuesday, PT on Wednesday, BR the rest of the week while continuing to drill (drilling daily is a must, it keeps me fresh and feeling productive). With a schedule, it can be easier to approach studying even with the long hours of work you're doing daily. I get your feeling that you may not be at your most optimal condition to take a PT after getting off work, but if you reserve a specific day for PT and anticipate that, it can make the task feel more doable.

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