
morrisjfullermorrisjfuller Alum Member
edited November 2024 in November 2024 LSAT 48 karma

So thrilled with the results I was able to get. Previous administrations I just screwed around, didn't really have any structure, and while I got good results, I knew I could do better.

The syllabus really gave me comfort in the logic underlying the test and the analytics 7Sage offers are so much deeper than everything else I've tried. By the end I was actually loving drilling sections every morning, I am going to miss it. Not going to miss waiting for results though.

Thank you 7Sage!


  • SubpoenaColadaSubpoenaColada Core Member
    320 karma

    Congrats! What did you do to push above 170 the second time around?

  • dramchand83dramchand83 Live Member
    3 karma

    Congratulations on the results! Any tips or structural study habits that helped you improve your score the most?

  • morrisjfullermorrisjfuller Alum Member
    48 karma

    I basically did exactly what JY said at the beginning of the syllabus:
    1. Studied in the morning as, let's be honest, that is when I and most of us are most alert an sharp.
    2. Slept consistently from around 10pm to around 6:30 or 7. Did 15-20 mins of yoga in the morning. Meditated 10 mins a day. Exercised regularly. Stopped drinking (not that I was a big drinker at all before tbf).
    3. Took the syllabus really seriously and made sure I understood all the formal logic that previously I fudged through with intuition.
    4. 1 PT a week on weekends. At least one timed section a day on weekday mornings + BR.
    5. Serious blind review. It really works, just do it.

    Fundamentally I put the LSAT front and center for 12 weeks. I didn't go on a couple trips with my family and girlfriend. I didn't get to play video games after work, and a lot of other little deferrals of gratification. But it really does work and paid off for me!

  • cas.boqcas.boq Core Member
    6 karma

    Congrats! What was the time frame between scoring 164 and scoring 171?

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