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Diagnostic PT

thebestsampablothebestsampablo Core Member
in General 4 karma

Hey, I'm looking to take a diagnostic prep test soon but I don't want to waste any of the newer tests and I am a little bit confused by the numbering for the new prep test format. What would be a good test (or range of tests) to try without it being so old that it's obsolete or so new that its wasteful to do so early?


  • sanique.rowesanique.rowe Member Student Services
    98 karma

    Hi @thebestsampablo,

    We recommend that students take PT123 as a diagnostic. PT123 is a good "middle of the road" PT, and since it is available to free users, it is commonly used for that purpose. You can find it by going to this page:

    From there, make sure you've selected "Current Format." After that, scroll down and select PT123.

    After completing the PT, I would encourage you to visit our analytics page ( There, you will see a list of your highest priority question types and other tools that will help diagnose any mistakes you made.

    I hope this helps! :smile:

  • natemanwell1natemanwell1 Core Member
    279 karma

    Don't take a diagnostic pt imo one of the absolute worst pieces of LSAT prep advice. that would be like never playing a game of basketball and jumping into a game without knowing anything first. you're better off learning how to solve all the question types before you take any practice tests. there's no point on testing yourself on stuff you don't know yet!

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