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Hi everybody,
I'm looking for a study partner who has some familiarity with the test, and is ideally (but you don't have to be) somewhere around the 160s score range. I'm trying to make that leap into the 170s, and hope we could help each other do so.
I'm in Laramie, Wyoming so I'm doubting there will be anyone in my area lol, but we can meet over zoom, skype or something similar.
I was thinking we could both take the same PT each week, blind review it separately, then meet each weekend to review the test together, and help one another learn from missed questions. We could do this during the week with timed sections as well, or even with tough questions from drilling. Or anything else you would have in mind!
Please reach out if you're interested! Let's crush this test.
Hey all,
I still haven't found a study partner yet, so if you're looking for one leave a comment on here. I don't care what range you're scoring at, we can both help each other learn either way.
Hi there,
I'm interested in teaming up for LSAT study sessions! I'm currently scoring in the 140s if you don't mind. Also I am from Canada.
Hi, I’d love to join! I’m currently scoring in the high 150s and am scheduled for the Feb exam
Hey I would also be intrested in joining, I’m scheduled for april.
I made a study group with multiple different scores atm, Join in you'll like!