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Chicagoland Area Study Group (or online study buddies!)

lauragracelauragrace Core Member
edited January 15 in Study Groups 9 karma

Hi everyone! My name is Laura and I'm currently studying to take the LSAT in February. This will be my first time and although I am attempting to go in with some confidence, I'm also being realistic that my likelihood of having to retake it at least once is probably high 😭. Anyway, I do really enjoy studying and learning from others so if anyone is in the Chicagoland area and would like to make a study group or just be online study buddies (don't have to be in the Chicagoland area), I'd really like that! I don't have anyone in my life currently who is studying for the LSAT or any sort of major exam like this, so it'd be great to have some company.


  • alannasanchez94alannasanchez94 Live Member
    52 karma

    Hi! Not from Chicago but I am in the same position and would love to connect. Please feel free to DM me!

  • Kim LucelyKim Lucely Live Member
    12 karma

    Hey I'm from Chicago!! I would be happy to be online study buddies! I also don't have anyone that knows about the LSAT struggle lol

  • jacksonmdwjacksonmdw Core Member
    7 karma

    Hey there, I'm from the Chicagoland area. I plan to take the June LSAT. Trying to stay of LSAT reddit so having people to trade questions with here would be great!

  • josieh525josieh525 Core Member
    21 karma

    Hey! I'm in Chicago and planning to take the June LSAT. Would love to have some people to study with

  • cje298298cje298298 Core Member
    2 karma

    I am looking to take it in the spring if you want a study buddy for your next time around.

  • Tisha0909Tisha0909 Live Member
    87 karma

    Hey Laura, as soon as I saw Chicagoland you know I had to drop by. I am in Chicago area and would love to meet in person (but not in this 0-degree weather) or online. Will be taking the June LSAT hopefully. Let's get to know each other's highs and lows so that we can better assist each other in the long run.

  • rayshalayrayshalay Free Trial Member
    3 karma

    Hey Laura, i would love to be study buddies if you are still interested. I see you are planning to take lsat this month and i will be taking it in June.

  • laurengandy9laurengandy9 Live Member
    3 karma

    Hi, I am also in Chicago, are you still looking for a study buddy?

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