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Are drills accounted for in analytics? What about when you finish a PT via drills?

bruhmomentbruhmoment Core Member
edited February 15 in General 16 karma

I believe the answer to the first question is no, but I have drilled to the point where some old PTs are totally done, just in a series of drills. Will that be calculated into my analytics/can I get a score? Or do I need to take the PT in PT mode for this to happen?


  • sanique.rowesanique.rowe Member Student Services
    122 karma

    Hi @bruhmoment,

    Currently, we don't have the option to have your Drills data in your Analytics. Only completed PrepTest data is reflected in your Analytics. However, you can find Drill question tables for drills like this and see your high-priority questions for each drill you took.

    1. Go to our drill page:
    2. Click Show Existing Drills
    3. Click the "Review" link in the right-most column

    I hope this helps!

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