PT41.S1.Q08 - vervet monkeys use different alarm calls

babybennybabybenny Free Trial Member
edited January 2016 in Logical Reasoning 156 karma
I was trying to find out what's the difference between C and D, but I still don't understand why C can't be an answer.

If there're no predators which pose a danger to the monkeys and attack both from land and the air just like C said, can C be an answer too because it can also explain why the monkeys use different alarm calls?

Why C can't be an answer and D is right?
What's the difference between them?

Please someone explain me.


  • vtlvtl Member
    103 karma
    Here the question stem asks which answer choice, IF TRUE, explains why the monkeys use different calls for air threats or ground threats.

    (C) states: No predators that pose a danger to vervet monkeys can attack both from land and from air.

    Let's negate this statement. So, the negation would sound like this: some predators that pose a danger to vervet monkeys can attack both from land and from the air.

    Think about it and ask yourself if this (the negation of C), answers the question stem better or worse than (C).

    Think about the assumptions you're probably making to address the two distinct monkey calls.
  • vtlvtl Member
    103 karma
    If I'm going through this questions in timed conditions, I would just look for the answer that best explains the phenomenon (why the need for different alarm calls)
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