Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). 162 to 170 for October LSAT? - 7Sage Forum

162 to 170 for October LSAT?

nneimannneiman Member
in General 8 karma
I am aiming for a 170 on the October LSAT, but for at least the past month, my score has consistently been 161-163, despite taking the time to go over answers I was unsure about and/or got incorrect and practicing those types of questions.

I have been self-studying for the LSAT since May, I had a tutor work intensively with me on logic games from May-July, and I have been in a TestMasters class since July. I only use the official PrepTests and books with official questions (PowerScore bibles, The LSAT Trainer). I have taken about 10 practice tests in total under timed, realistic conditions.

It seems on every practice exam I either have a major problem with RC (-7) and one of the logic games (while getting 100% on the other 3 games) but only get 4 wrong per LR section or the RC and logic games sections are fine (-2 or -3 each) but then I get about 9 wrong per LR section. Basically, I either have a problem with one half of the exam or the other. Recently, I did one practice exam where I gave myself 10 minute breaks in between sections and got a 172. I know this doesn't mean much, but it does show that I do have the necessary skills and strategies.

This is very frustrating, especially since in my practice I feel confident about the questions I am working on. I study about 3 hours per day, sometimes more, and based on the above, feel my studying is of good quality. I have a 3.95 GPA from a top 15 undergrad and don't see why for the amount and quality of studying I have done I shouldn't be able to get a 170.

Any advice for how to overcome this? Is it even realistic to expect this big of a jump in my score with only 3 weeks left? I know the obvious answer would be to just keep in mind retaking the exam in December, but I really don't want to resort to that if I don't absolutely have to.


  • guitarnaraguitarnara Alum Member
    365 karma
    Anything is possible... But then again, if I were in your situation (a stellar GPA with nothing but the LSAT holding me back from going to a T14 school), I'd postpone the exam until I can consistently get above 170.
  • NYC12345NYC12345 Alum Inactive Sage
    1654 karma
    I wouldn't count on improving from low 160s to 170+ in three weeks. It took me months to make that leap. It is the hardest improvement to make.
  • c.janson35c.janson35 Free Trial Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2398 karma
    @nneiman said:
    I have a 3.95 GPA from a top 15 undergrad and don't see why for the amount and quality of studying I have done I shouldn't be able to get a 170.
    No amount of studying, undergrad school ranking, or undergrad GPA entitles you to a high score. The only thing you can do is to keep plugging along! Keep drilling logic games to build confidence, keep taking PTs (and a lot of them), and keep doing a high quality BR. If you're not consistently scoring at your goal before, then postpone until December--give yourself the best possible chance at getting the highest score you can achieve.

    Good luck!
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    @c.janson35 said:
    No amount of studying, undergrad school ranking, or undergrad GPA entitles you to a high score. The only thing you can do is to keep plugging along!
    I actually learned this the hard way haha.
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