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goalis180goalis180 Alum Member
in General 531 karma
What should I be doing to ensure that my time studying is utilized in an efficient manner? After finishing the 7sage course I took 4 PT's 19-22 I am averaging in the 150's with BR's in the 160's. I do not want to waste PT's. What should I be doing at this point, drilling, or continue PT'ing? I currently stopped PT'ing and decided to drill my LR weaknesses as well as logic games. My logic games is still terrible, but I just recently started getting into deep Logic games drilling and understanding. I am using the fool proof method and getting better, but I am def still terrible.


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma

    Do this with full sections until you're consistently under -2. Do a little LR work to keep your skills sharp. Then go back to full PTs. Also make sure you do clean copy BR.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Also, stop using PTs from before 36 for full PTs since you'll be seeing a lot of stuff that was in the curriculum from 1-35 if you use the latter for PTs. Plus you're going to need the early stuff for drilling LG and everything else.
  • goalis180goalis180 Alum Member
    531 karma
    @Pacifico I actually did not drill too many of the questions in the curriculum. I did some but just to learn the basics, so I am not really seeing many questions that I saw previously, however I did decide to stop using the older PT's because, as you said, I needed drilling material. Also, I am actually using the method you discuss in your post, so I will continue with that. Thanks.
  • goalis180goalis180 Alum Member
    531 karma
    @Pacifico any specific game type I should focus on first? Currently, I just have a large folder and I just pick out a game from each game type packe and do the games timed.

    You must forgive my atrocious grammar and spelling mistakes, I am typing this from my phone, and I have been waking up everyday at 5:30am.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    At this point just do the full sections from each PT if you have them. I think figuring out what type of game each game is and what the setup should be is a necessary part of drilling and practice so drilling by type kind of cheats at that since you know going in it's a double layer sequencing game, or a grouping game with a chart.
  • c.janson35c.janson35 Free Trial Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2398 karma
    Totally agree with @Pacifico. I'll just add that an important litmus test you must meet is being really good at sequencing games. I know they're often the most straight forward, but don't neglect them because of that. You should really be finishing most simple sequencing games in 5-6 (maybe 7) minutes so you can have time for the harder games on the test.
  • goalis180goalis180 Alum Member
    531 karma
    @Pacifico gotcha, thanks. @c.janson35 I absolutely agree with you. Most of the more difficult sections start out with a simple sequencing that should be done in under 5mins so that you have time for the rest of the games, and I definitely know not to neglect them.
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