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PT29 S4 Q03, correct me if I am wrong in my explanation.

TheBatmanTheBatman Alum Member
edited September 2015 in Logical Reasoning 255 karma
Correct me if I am wrong in my explanation.

PT29 S4 Q03

The kind of question this is: Most Strongly supported Question

Paraphrased question: PE should teach people to pursue healthy active lifestyle when they are older, but the focus on competitive sports in most schools discourages less competitive students to turn away from sports. Having learned to think of themselves as unathletic, they do not exercise enough to stay healthy.

What I am looking for: Something that has to do with PE and how it needs to change or upgrade.

Answer A: Yes, this backs up the passage. Non-competitive sports would deal with the less competitive students in helping them to see sports in positive way.

Answer B: No, the passage does not talk about how competition turns most students away from sports. It talks specifically about less competitive students and their motivation to continue with sports to stay healthy and how they see themselves.

Answer C: No, passage does not talk about the habits and talents of people and how motivated they are to exercise regularly.

Answer D: No, this might be true, but the passage focuses on less competitive students and how to encourage them to exercise.

Answer E: No, the passage is about encouraging less competitive students to exercise, and not about teaching them about the dangers sedentary lifestyles. They may or may not already know the dangers; we don’t have that information. They are discouraged to exercise because they are less competitive students pushed into competitive sports, and not because they don’t know about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle.


  • c.janson35c.janson35 Free Trial Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2398 karma
    A perfect explanation! Nice work!
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    (A) Physical education should include noncompetitive "activities". My thought was simply that the first sentence reads: "Physical education should teach people to pursue healthy, active lifestyles as they grow older." PE should include THIS activity, namely learning about healthy living, which is itself noncompetitive. Maybe that's going too deep but the stim does not speak about noncompetitive "sports".
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