Correct me if I am wrong in my explanation.
*The kind of question this is:* Weakening
*Paraphrased question:*
Premises: One of the advantages of B.t. Toxins (BTTs) over Chemical insecticides (CI) results from specificity for pest insects. The BTTs have no detrimental effects on mammals or birds + limited range of activity of the BTTs toward insects means that often a particular BTT will kill pest species but not affect insects that prey upon the species.
Conclusion: This advantage makes BTTs preferable to chemical insecticides for use as components of insects pest management programs.
*What I am looking for:* Something that I didn't know about CIs that make them a better choice, or BTTs that make them a bad choice.
*Answer A:* No, This looks like it strengthens the argument by stating how CIs cause harm to a greater number of insect species than does BTTs. We don’t want to cause the ecosystem to collapse. That might kill off the balance of insects that are non-threatening.
*Answer B:* No, We only care about a particular pest insect and not if BTTs are effective on other insects.
*Answer C:* No. we are not concerned with weeds, and are concerned with only pest insects. Plus, this could strengthen the argument because BTT also doesn’t do damage to weeds, which means it another good thing BTT does.

* Yes, Insects (which includes pest insects) build resistance more readily to BTTs than to CIs.
*Answer E:* No, who cares birds and rodents often do greater damage to farm crops than do insects. This passage is only concerned with pest insects, so lets not let the LSAT writers trick us by adding things that are not in the passage.