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When will I start getting where I want on my preptests?

wlamontwlamont Member
in General 120 karma
I've taken about 9, and just recently started taking them every weekend (I work full time during the week), and I jumped a huge amount (14 points) but now I have kind of stopped making any better and i'm getting discouraged. I need about 10 more points to get where I want to be, but this weekend was the first time I have not raised my score (even if it was just a point or two) and I'm freaking out.


  • lsatblitzlsatblitz Alum Member
    521 karma
    I'm right there with you, I've been stuck in the mid 160's for the longest time now.

    Use the analytics to zero in on your problem areas, review sufficiently before taking your next PT. 9 tests is definitely not enough to be feeling discouraged.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    OP--it depends on what your goal score is.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @lsatblitz it sounds like you're just at the mid 60's plateau. Hang in there. Next stop is the 169 plateau.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    9 PTs is nothing. If you're looking for a 25 point increase you're likely going to need to take at least that many PTs and probably even more. If you're getting discouraged it's more about unrealistic expectations than that you're doing something wrong. This is a journey that takes some time and a lot of hard work. It's not a curriculum in, 180 out or PTs in, 180 out type of transaction.

    What is your breakdown from section to section? And most importantly, how is your BR? If your BR sucks, then that should be more discouraging than your timed score. You don't learn from getting questions right, you learn from getting them wrong and understanding why so you don't do it again.
  • lsatblitzlsatblitz Alum Member
    521 karma
    @nicole.hopkins it's only a matter of time! Almost 20 PT's in and RC is coming along bit by bit. I'm usually bombing one passage and going near flawless on the rest.
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