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Nervous about the LSAT Saturday?

J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
edited November 2021 in General 14277 karma
Of course you are. You're about to take an important test. It's not the most important test though. That one you will be taking in June.

Just kidding. This is likely the last LSAT you'll ever take.

I'm only trying to remind you that for something this important, there are second chances. That's not true for a lot of other important things in life, so that's something to feel good about.

For most of you, you already know what score you'll get. Take your last three recent properly administered LSAT PrepTests (e.g., 69, 70, 71) and average your score. You'll get plus or minus 3 points of that average.

There is nothing separating you from that score except the mere passing of a few day's time.

You are as prepared as you can be. You have already seen everything those crafty LSAT writers will throw at you and you've amply demonstrated your ability to respond with craftiness of your own.

Saturday will not be a new day and the February 2014 LSAT will not be a new LSAT. It will only be "LSAT PrepTest 72" which will be just like PT 71 and PT 70 and PT 69 and so on. (Well, sort of, they don't release this one.)

For Saturday, remember only this: keep moving.

You will encounter a few insanely difficult curve breaker questions. Every LSAT has them. Every student who has ever taken the LSAT before you has encountered them. You will encounter them (again) on Saturday. I am telling you this now, so you will be prepared. Skip those difficult questions. Maintain your rhythm.

Keep moving.

You got this.


  • mvallani8mvallani8 Alum Member
    40 karma
    You are the best
  • annkang1005annkang1005 Alum Member
    63 karma
  • David WayneDavid Wayne Free Trial Member
    571 karma
    In JY we trust
  • Jaguar007Jaguar007 Free Trial Member
    114 karma
    JY we love you thank you for all the support and if you don't mind I will be taking your voice with me to the LSAT. I appreciate your words of encouragement you said everything non of my friends or family were able to say to really hone down on how to calm the F down haha! thank you!
  • jamiewong107jamiewong107 Alum Member
    47 karma
    JY, you are amazing. I cannot express how much this course and the wealth of information (along with the humor) has made preparing for this beast of a test enjoyable. I can literally hear your voice in my head criticizing each crazy choice, "who cares?!", now if I can just get my speed up, and differentiate between SA and NA questions, I'll be good to go. We got this February 2014 test takers!
  • Jaguar007Jaguar007 Free Trial Member
    114 karma
    I totally agree I love when he says who cares because now I also say who cares!!!
  • titaniumtitanium Alum Member
    edited February 2014 86 karma
    Every once in a while in the lifetime of a human being, she/he will find a person or a company or a situation that will totally and completely change her/his life.
    We all know who she/he is as we all had that feeling and probably will have it again. It is what keeps the human spirit moving forward.
    That feeling, to the writer of this message, was when he found 7Sage almost two months ago.
    A good mom/dad will tell her/his kids the proper things to do. A good politician will have the best interest of her/his voters in mind, always. A good President of a fantastic nation will always think about her people first. A good LSAT teacher (not very different than the other people listed above if you think about it) will be a mentor, will be inspirational, will try to show the right things without trying to prove that she/he is the best (meaning, it does not matter if the teacher has a 180 score on the LSAT, what matters is if she/he can inspire her/his students to achieve that).
    I don't know the people behind 7Sage, merely knowing their voice and proper guidance while listening to thousands of LSAT questions being properly explained. But that was enough to prove to me that they care about the students first, not about how much money they (the teachers) make, not about the score they (the teachers) can get (180 on the LSAT over and over again will not inspire the students, actually).
    In summary, you may say 7Sage is just another LSAT prep company, but to me, it was a life changing experience and no matter my LSAT score (although with 7Sage I feel like DiCaprio's "king of the world" of the LSAT, a feeling all students have the right to have), 7Sage inspired me, and that is all that matters if you look at life as a journey, as I do.
    Anybody can teach LSAT arguments, necessary/sufficient, contrapositives, assumptions, etc. but inspiration to be all that you can be, that is just for the very few, and 7Sage is the name when it comes to this sweet exam called LSAT.
  • josemartinez725josemartinez725 Free Trial Member
    edited February 2014 52 karma
    I'm so nervous. Studying for this exam has been quite the struggle for me, and quite the unconventional experience compared to most other people writing the exam. I am a learning disabled student, have received accommodated tests throughout the entirety of my schooling, and did not get them initially when I first attempted to take the test in 2013. I had to retain a lawyer to litigate on my behalf, produce psychoeducational evaluations that cost me upwards of $1000, and went through some stressful proceedings during the past few weeks, to finally secure an extra 18 minutes on each section (half of what I asked for). I have significant difficulties with the games portion, as it plays to my weakness with symbolic manipulation and abstract reasoning, but I've worked as hard as I can to improve as much as possible, given my limitations. I'd like to thank JY for making his explanations available, as they've been hugely invaluable. I just hope that come test day, I can finally say that I've triumphed over this adversity and put this hurdle behind me.
    PS: If anyone has good guessing strategies for games, feel free to share them, as I've never been able to finish one in the allotted time.
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    Jose, you are an inspiration. I wish you well not only in the lsat itself, but in life in general. Keep strong mate! :)
  • LSATislandLSATisland Free Trial Inactive Sage
    1878 karma
    Keep up the good work. I wish you success on the test.

    Regarding guessing, you should stick with one letter whichever you choose.
  • slarosa44slarosa44 Alum Member
    10 karma
    Still freaking out a tad... This IS my second time. I refused to quit and waited two years to do it again. Now I'm ready to give it a shot. Last time I prepped myself with no class or help. This time I used this course. Hopefully I don't mentally freeze tomorrow. Thanks for everything none the less. =) And good luck to EVERYONE taking it on Saturday with me. We are in for a long morning but regardless of how you THINK you did, go out Saturday night and celebrate the fact that you finished! You had the balls to actually take the test and that alone is A LOT! So you deserve it! Have a beer or two and breathe. Then, after that night, you can freak out for three weeks while waiting for your score. Lol cuz we will ALL be in the same boat! =P none the less kick butt everyone!!
  • Jaguar007Jaguar007 Free Trial Member
    114 karma
    Titanium be my friend! haha! Wow I loved what you wrote thank you and it is so true!
    The LSAT tutors on here were amazing and one thing I appreciated about them the most is how humble they were and never tried to act like they know it all and were honest with their own mistakes and demonstrated they too are human making me feel less adequate
    I will never ever forget 7sage as it was a part of the journey to my future in the legal field. Good luck everyone!
  • josemartinez725josemartinez725 Free Trial Member
    edited February 2014 52 karma
    Thanks for the kind words, Al. I do know that there are hurdles to be overcome on the day of the exam, and that I will have to be at my absolute sharpest to finish at some points, particularly on the games, but I'm inspired by the journey I've had to travel just to be in the position to take this exam. Just three weeks ago, after lots and lots of study, I had no idea that I'd be able to take it, given that LSAC had denied my initial request for accommodations for a second time, and it was up to my lawyer to see to it that I did get them in the end. I know what it's like to feel backed up against a corner by the nature of this exam, and the constraints that it presents, but this is my dream, and I don't intend to have it taken away over something as trivial as an assessment that is designed to weed people out. I wish all of you the best of luck, and Godspeed. Be sure to think twice about every one of your answers, but don't psych yourself out. Under these constraints, the real enemy is the clock and yourself.
  • greenstar_429greenstar_429 Free Trial Member
    8 karma
    @JoseMartinez725 bruh! you got this! & please make sure you highlight on your personal statement that superb sense of persistency, that has not only brought you this far, but by which you are driven. Best of luck GBY!
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    @josemartinez725: Adversity in life is akin to the texture of a painting. This texture provides the depth and uniqueness that truly allows a painting to become vibrantly alive. Your success will inspire others, it certainly has for me. I wish you well man.
  • titaniumtitanium Alum Member
    86 karma
    Hey there Mr. Martinez, I carefully read your post above and thought that maybe I should not give my opinion, but then again, you represent us all since if one LSAT student has a disability, then all LSAT students have a disability and we will all be together with you tomorrow when you sit to try to answer 100 questions.
    I am sorry about your challenges and disability but then I say to you: brother, you are alive, you are here, 7Sage is here with you, you wrote this post, so make the most of it!
    If you got an extra minute, make the most of it. If you got an extra 18 minutes, as you said that you do, awesome! make the most of it.
    If you can only answer one question from the logic games, then by all means DO IT, if you somehow look at the games and have a strange feeling that you can actually solve two or maybe three games (or you have that really strange feeling you can solve all of them), then brother, do me a favor, smile and go for it.
    In the end, tomorrow's LSAT and the LSAT number 100 and LSAT number 101, LSAT 102, 103, 104, etc. (in the year 2023 or 2024 or something like that) will be a mystery to all of us (you and I and all students ahead of us, and no matter how disable or not disable they are they still have to look at the questions, think about it and find a proper answer).
    I will end with a thought from a lawyer by the name Nelson, which the economist said on December 5, 2013: He had granite determination "education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that a son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another."
    In the end Mr. Martinez, just the fact you are here and you heard some, if not all, 7Sage classes, you qualify for the last sentence of Mandela's thought:"It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another". Because of that, I respect you and tell you (and I am quite sure I speak on behalf of all other LSAT students that will show up tomorrow) that I honor you and your efforts. Go for it brother, we will be there with you!
  • josemartinez725josemartinez725 Free Trial Member
    edited February 2014 52 karma
    Thanks for the inspiring words of reassurance @titanium. While I definitely do have my worries, and my doubts about exam day, much like any person who realizes the gravity of the repercussions that our performance can have on our future, I am going to stay strong because I fought this hard just to have the opportunity to get the chance to perform to the best of my ability; and I know that by doing well here, I can take the other opportunities I get in the future to help people who have been through similar difficulties, and who have had to fight to get through a system that by its very nature stacks the odds against them. I know that while my situation may not reflect that of the ordinary person sitting through that exam tomorrow, I guess what I would like to say to all of you is that if this really means that much to you, if this is what you see yourself doing, then by all means, turn to what's inside your heart, and expel whatever doubt may exist in your mind. While the test may be designed to weed out the weak, ultimately, the only weakness that wins is the weakness that you choose to believe. Best of luck to all of you!
  • Alexandra3-2Alexandra3-2 Free Trial Member
    74 karma
    I decided to withdraw my Feb LSAT test. I would rather wait and increase my score even more than to take it and lose my chances to get into my dream school. Please everyone, fight as hard as you can. You are more than capable of passing this exam. I believe in you all. I'll see you all in Fall 2014!
  • alvarolitoalvarolito Alum Member
    2 karma
    Thank you for everything. Your help was very useful. This is the second time I present the LSAT and now I feel much more prepared and ready for whatever it comes. May the force be with us.
  • LSATislandLSATisland Free Trial Inactive Sage
    1878 karma
    Don't feel bad postponing till June. Invest the time and earn that higher mark.
  • ENTJENTJ Alum Inactive ⭐
    3658 karma
    Well said Torah!
  • CRISPR24CRISPR24 Alum Member
    262 karma

    I had just found JY’s post (written seven years ago), it still speaks the truth to me as I am preparing for January LSAT. I have been getting above or below 170s in my PTS and hoping to break the 170 on test day!
    Wishing everyone peaceful days leading up to the test day, and wishing me myself good luck!

  • CRISPR24CRISPR24 Alum Member
    262 karma

    I’d also say all the inputs on this long thread is very inspiring and reassuring, anyone who felt anxious of the test might want to read it. I am very thankful that I found this community :)

  • This_is_HardThis_is_Hard Alum Member
    815 karma

    Thanks boss! I'm sick of seeing this website and hope to never return again =)


    But it'd be nice to do well enough not to return =)

  • sam123012sam123012 Member
    22 karma

    Thanks JY. Really have enjoyed your program and appreciate the hard work you and your team put into it. Easily worth the subscription price and will recommend it.

    Good luck everyone, let's destroy it!

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