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Question Bank question? Video explanations?

LSAT DeterminedLSAT Determined Core Member
in General 204 karma
How do I get a list of all video explanations (or at least the available ones) in the question bank? When I click on the explanation it merely says "discuss" I want a video explanation


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    With the demand for the current tests, I'm sure it will be a little while before all of the explanations for those early tests are on there. I'm sure it takes a tremendous amount of time and effort to produce these. In the mean time, feel free to ask any of us questions regarding the problems that don't have explanations yet. We are here to help each other.
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14289 karma
    The Question Bank currently consists of question from PTs 1-16. For those PTs, there are full video explanations for LG and RC. There are no video explanations for LR.

    The Question Bank will be expanded to include PTs 17 and above. For those PTs, there are full video explanations for LG, RC, and LR.
  • vernicelove-1-1-1vernicelove-1-1-1 Live Member
    31 karma

    So, if there is no review for PT 1-16; how are we going to learn from what are mistakes are. Or would it be best for me to not do any LR sections from PT 1-16?

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    @vernicelove said:
    So, if there is no review for PT 1-16; how are we going to learn from what are mistakes are. Or would it be best for me to not do any LR sections from PT 1-16?

    You won't have a video explanation, but you may be better off. Try to review the whole section and write out your reasoning, then check the answers. Once you look at the answers see whether your reasoning was on or off. If you aren't able to figure out a tough question you can ask about it here in the forums. A lot of students rely on the videos to the point where they aren't really testing their understanding through blind review.

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