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Club Sports in Law School?

Mike StoneMike Stone Member
in General 111 karma
Just throwing this out there, has anyone/a sibling/a friend played a club sport while attending law school? The schools I'm eyeing these days have club hockey teams that practice 2h/wk and play 2 games/weekend (~8-10h/wk commitment). Wondering if anyone knows if this is feasible, or if I need a reality check. I'm definitely eligible by NCAA rules and regs, but I'm going to law school to learn and network, not to screw around and graduate with no employment. Thus, if it would make more sense to devote myself to a moot court or an academic club, then I will do so...but it would be really nice if I could do it all.

Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks all.


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Most gunnerish types seem to say don't bother with anything aside from the flagship law review. However, since there are a lot of different clubs and activities and people manage to do them and survive law school I would say it's all about your goals and preferences. For example, if you want to do transactional law I don't really see much point in mock trial/moot court type activities. Law review generally serves everyone's needs since it looks good no matter what you get into. If you want to go into a specific field like IP then it could be in your interest to join an IP journal if you don't make the flagship journal. I have thought in the past about playing a sport during law school, but with two kids that is no longer feasible. Sports are a really great outlet and it is killing several birds with one stone as you get to socialize, reduce stress, and get a workout in all at once rather than having to do all those things separately. Ultimately 8-10 hours a week is not a super huge commitment, you just might have to sacrifice an extra activity, but you're always going to miss out on something. Oh and just to add for anyone else that might be interested, the NCAA doesn't have anything to do with club sports so there are no restrictions like that.

    Also, FWIW I went to school with a kid who played FBS Football and used a fifth year of eligibility and did his 1L year during that time. If someone can manage that, club sports would be a joke.
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