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Would it be possible to add PayPal as a payment method?

StopLawyingStopLawying Alum Member
in General 821 karma
PayPal has a feature called Bill Me Later where you can pay with credit, and as long as the $ is paid within 6 months, no interest is charged. The ability to pay over the course of 6 months would really help a lot of students who'd rather not have to pay everything all at once. Cambridge LSAT accepts PayPal and and I was wondering why 7sage doesn't. I think this added feature would help attract even more students. Would it be possible to add PayPal as a payment method?


  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @StopLawying said:
    Bill Me Later where you can pay with credit
    It's actually just a credit card :) So uh, nothing really special about BML, if you're gonna go into debt!
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