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Is there a way to save two scores for PTs?

h.savrinah.savrina Member
in General 20 karma
If I decide to retake a PT that I have already taken just to rewrite and re-evaluate, is there a function for that?
It would be great to compare my previous score to my new one if that was possible.

Thanks in advance


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    Currently I don't think there is. A common practice is to put your new score under the notes section for that test. Or, if you want to keep up with your current trends, reverse it. Use the analytics for the most recent test and put your previous score in the notes section. You can also add the date and such for which ever one you decide to use.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    I make a note (in the "notes" section) of my original score and then save all my scantrons ;)
  • FWDTexasFWDTexas Alum Member
    52 karma
    You could just delete you blind review score, and then enter in your "new" answers as BR and then have a record of both that way.
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