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Still seeing gains --- what should I do before Saturday?

lalafiggylalafiggy Free Trial Member
edited November 2015 in General 82 karma
So I got frustrated about three weeks ago because I had plateaued, and in the past two weeks I did a total of maybe one LR section and one RC passage (so nothing). Seeing as the exam is on Saturday, the panic renewed itself and I took PT 62 today. I got my highest PT score ever -- a 178. I was averaging ~174 for the 6 PTs before that.

I know other people have asked about this, but I feel that burnout is not really gonna happen to me in the next three days because I already took two weeks off. That being said, are these real gains? Am I gonna get anything from 3 extra PTs this week? Or should I just cross my fingers and take it easy until Saturday? (By taking it easy I would do maybe one PT and a couple of sections)

Also this: https://www.reddit.com/r/LSAT/comments/3un7d3/i_ate_at_chipotle_today_im_taking_the_december_5th/


  • NathanialNathanial Alum Member
    124 karma
    This is just my opinion.

    I think the two week break helped you not to burn out. If you were scoring 174 before then scored 178, there is no definitive answer as the margins are so close in those ranges, think maybe 3 or 4 questions. That could be made up by the test playing to your strengths, luck etc.

    If I were you I wouldn't just completely shut off, but instead maybe do one more PT under timed conditions if you feel up for it ( just make sure that you don't let your confidence go down if you get a lower score) and then BR the crap out of it.

    On the other days i would keep it light as in do untimed sections just a light "fun" practice so your brain can stay warmed up till Saturday. I personally am doing this as well and so far I am really enjoying it since I know i have capacity to do this exam, its just making sure you are all stretched out and warmed up for game day :)

  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @lalafiggy said:
    Am I gonna get anything from 3 extra PTs this week?
    Take it easy, maybe do some stuff (1 section or less) each day. No big deal. I'd say no more PT's though.
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