
BackoftheEnvelopeBackoftheEnvelope Alum Member
edited February 2016 in General 171 karma


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    If you get the right LSAT score nobody gives a shit about WE. Most law students are K-JD and most of them have little to no WE. Just study and take care of your family and you'll be fine.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @BackoftheEnvelope said:
    The problem is: (a) my major doesn't really open up any doors; (b) I did minimal networking in college; and (c) the work experience I've accumulated working with my father doesn't translate well into a professional setting.

    Ok! Well, if you want/need to get another job, you might just try to get a simple admin job. It won't likely pay more than $35k a year (my first job out of Princeton was in IT/change management and I lived in NYC with no family support or savings on less than that :) ) and the work will be super boring. But having a boring, easy day job can really open up opportunities for your LSAT prep. Plenty of my liberal arts classmates had (and still have) very boring day jobs so that they can do their creative/inspiring things at night. The LSAT can (and perhaps should!) be such a "creative/inspiring" thing for you—it certainly has been for me!
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