Hey Guys,
While 7Sage lists 19 different flaw types, The Trainer lists 3 (piece does not equal puzzle, apples do not equal oranges, and 1+1 does not equal 3). I'm a little confused - can the 19 different flaw types fall under these 3 categories? If so, do you prefer going by 7Sage or the Trainer's methods when doing flaw questions?
Thanks so much!
The last course I took taught us that there were 20+ types of flaws (and about 150+ ways that they could be worded).
Honestly, over time you learn not too worry too much about the category for which a flaw falls under. You would be better served understanding how to identify a flaw, and getting used to the LSAT's convoluted language (e.g. how they word the different types of flaws).
Also a side note: The Trainer does have 3 broad categories of flaws, but each category is broken down further into subcategories.