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Help! Cant figure out the most optimal plan of PTing for Feb

LARamsNationLARamsNation Member
in General 592 karma
Feb re-takers, what do you suggest is the best way to go about PTing? I did all of the 70+ tests, most of 50-69, getting ready for December, so now I worry that my LR drilling isn't as effective because I recognize a fair amount of the questions. For example, I just did PT 63 and I recalled quite a few of the LR questions as I've done these questions before in preparation for December. LR is my strong point, and I know I can make gains on LG/RC too, but I wanted to bolster LR because there is a small, and some what trickier shift in LR stimuli in PTs 70-76.. Through the analytics on here I can see that I've dipped a considerable amount in the 70+ tests in LR. Should I just focus on the more recent exams and BR the hell out of them, or should I focus on earlier exams like in the 30s/40s for fresh(er) questions ? When it comes to RC and LG, I feel that those can be recycled because you can always get quicker in your deductions for LG and more proficient with RC.. Thanks for the input!


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    edited December 2015 1644 karma
    @180orBust said:
    Should I just focus on the more recent exams and BR the hell out of them

    @180orBust said:
    I know I can make gains on LG/RC
    I would focus on this. What is your current scoring average misses for LG? If it isn't three or below, you can get it there. I wouldn't completely ignore LR, but if you feel you can still make gains with LG and RC, then focus on them with an emphasis on LG. February is just around the corner. Continue to PT and thoroughly BR on a clean copy tests from the 60s and 70s. Spend your other time working the hell out of LG. Best of luck to you.
  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    I'm in the same position as I remember a lot of the stems, but the rest really is all about patterns, so rather than making it about that question I try to focus on the pattern. How did the author approach the question, really focusing on why the wrong answers are wrong as I take the test and of course, in BR. Just that change though helped me look at retakes in a different light.
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