Deferring/Declining an Acceptance to a School and Reapplying for the Following Year

AtcolsatAtcolsat Free Trial Member
in General 22 karma
If I apply and get accepted to a school, but decide prior to the first semester that I want to wait another year before attending, is there an option to defer? In the event that I decline and reapply to the same school the following year, is it possible the admissions board would hold that against me and I would not get in the second time? I would imagine each school has a different policy about this, though is there a general trend?


  • kennedybjkennedybj Alum Member
    697 karma
    I think there was another discussion about this previously. You'd lose the deposit fee if you'd already paid it. ill try to find the discussion link
  • AtcolsatAtcolsat Free Trial Member
    22 karma
    That thread is very informative, thanks! I'm not sure anyone answered whether or not declining to attend a school would hurt my chances of getting in again the following year.
  • cverdugocverdugo Free Trial Member
    136 karma
    It really does depend on the school but I believe some schools will tell you it's an option but there is no guarantee that your scholarship will be available the next year (assuming you were awarded one).

    Also if you tell them you decided not to attend Law School this year, some schools will offer you an option to defer and even say your deposit will be good for the next year (again probably depends on the schools.

    I don't think it would hurt you at all in re-applying, as long as you handle it in a mature and professional manner. I wouldn't duck the calls or e-mails that they might send about second deposits or school visits. Just make a professional call when you make your decision and be honest with them. Admissions people are humans and are understanding (plus they want someone who is completely ready for law school). Just speculating, but it could be a sign of maturity that someone took a step back realized now wasn't the right time and waited a year! Good luck, hope the info helps!
  • as5324therapyas5324therapy Member
    175 karma
    its just business. just like your stats are an opp for them to boost their ranking your game is to maximize your return (i.e. scholarship and best school). why would they hold against you if you make them look even better now! Do it
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