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Visiting Schools

mes08mes08 Alum Member
in General 578 karma
Hi everyone,
For those of you who have already submitted their applications, I have a quick question. I'm strongly considering visiting my top choices in person (two I'm waiting to hear back from and two I've been waitlisted at). If I decide to do this, what's the protocol for a campus visit? I was already planning taking a campus tour and sitting in on some classes. On TLS, Mike Spivey also recommended visiting the admissions office. If I do that, what do I say to an admissions officer? What kind of questions should I ask? What should I say/not say? Any advice from you guys would be enormously appreciated, I'm feeling a bit lost during this portion of the application process. Studying for the LSAT was so much more straightforward lol.


  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    on most schools sites (normally where admitted students events are) they say if you can't make it to email (most likely admissions) to set something up. In such email you can mention wanting to sit in on classes and that. As for being there you just want to show genuine interest in the school. research the schools a bit and figure out some questions that show you want to go there but obviously not questions you can answer with a quick google search. You want to come off like it isnt just some school you know the name and rank of so you want to go there but you know specifics about the school and interested in more. maybe questions about a specific concentration or subject professors for a particular type of law you are interested
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