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LSAT scores

rmshirk22rmshirk22 Alum Member
in General 80 karma
I took my first LSAT 2 years ago in June and then again over a year ago in October. I got in the low 150s both times but I didn't put in enough studying that I should have. I've been working a full time bartending job so studying has been hard. I took almost two years off because I ran into some personal issues with the man I was living with. I've been studying full time whenever I'm not working using the ultimate 7sage package. My score has definitely improved. I'm hoping to use my 3rd try in June, but I was wondering since it has been almost two years, will I technically have another try after those two years are up? I'm hoping not to take it again, but I'm also curious if I can use more attempts how bad does that look with law school applications?


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    @rmshirk22 said:
    will I technically have another try after those two years are up?
    To be absolutely sure, contact LSAC to inquire about this. Since the times are so close, they will be able to tell you for sure.
    @rmshirk22 said:
    how bad does that look with law school applications?
    While not being in your position, I think you're generally ok until you get up in area of 5 or more attempts. However, with that being said, if you can point to something concrete that caused you to take the test and then postpone entering school, an addendum might be worth looking into to explain that. I don't think you have as much to worry about since your score has been improving. Knock June out of the park and you'll be home free. Best of luck to you.
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