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Post LSAT depression

as5324therapyas5324therapy Member
in General 175 karma
come Monday nothing to do after FEB LSAT? All friends working busy don't want to not be studying ..feel depression around the corner any one else feel the same? What are you planning to do?


    248 karma
    Relax bro, take a week off... go out drink, do whatever you want. Then get back to working, a gym routine, etc. Then if you plan on taking June, start practicing again in a month or so
  • dandudandu123dandudandu123 Free Trial Member
    edited February 2016 2 karma
    I still need to watch a lesson/listen to JY's voice a bit today because I've gotten used to it at this point lol.

    I think starting tomorrow, I'm going to start job hunting, relaxing a bit, and pursuing some neglected hobbies.
  • leeban92leeban92 Free Trial Member
    60 karma
    Yeah just chill out for a bit. It's hard for me because I've gotten so used to studying for the LSAT that taking time off seems weird. I think I may retake too. We'll see when scores come out
  • Mike StoneMike Stone Member
    111 karma
    hahah I have such an affinity for this post. I quit my job to study for the lsat, and its been my "only" priority (other than basic life stuff naturally) since August. Feels very weird waking up today with zero to do. At least yesterday the super bowl kept me busy. But you guys nailed it. Gotta find a summer job or 2 and stay true to the gym routine.... I imagine its not so bad to coast this summer, besides making money, considering we're about to get whopped in law school in 7 months.

    Semi-Relevant question: speaking of "things to do" anyone know when the best time is to do financial aid research? Obviously I wont even know where i'm going until March when we get our scores.
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    edited February 2016 2086 karma
    Pick up a hobby. When i'm bored, and have nothing to do - which is rare - I usually go scuba diving. I can do it alone, or post on a message board that I need a dive partner. Or, I do work around the house.
  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    Mike file your FAFSA now and check your schools to make sure they don't have different scholarship applications and deadlines.

    If you file now (and you haven't done your taxes yet) you'll need to come back to make it official. The forms becomes available on Jan 1 so many have already started the process. You can add 10 schools to start and then take them off as you add new schools. The removed schools will still receive your updates.

    Just be sure to return once your taxes have been filled and then you're good to go!
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