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Asian Feb. LSAT experimental

shizuokatwin379shizuokatwin379 Alum Member
in General 95 karma
First, are we allowed to discuss which section was experimental on a nondisclosed test? And second, if so, anyone who took it want to help figure out which sections were experimental? I had two LG sections.


  • aarmadilloaarmadillo Alum Member
    20 karma
    I'd really hoped my LG section was experimental, and was dismayed when I turned to the last section and it was a second RC.
  • shizuokatwin379shizuokatwin379 Alum Member
    edited February 2016 95 karma
    Remember the topic of any game from your lg? I did really really well on one lg section, and the other one was.... let's just say it could go either way lol.... It was my first section and I wasn't locked in at all.

    Also do you remember your rc? I can definitely tell you which was real I remember it perfectly. Pretty sure I got -0/-1 on it.
  • aarmadilloaarmadillo Alum Member
    20 karma
    I'm not sure of the extent we're allowed to discuss the test, but topics seem okay, so to put it as general as I can, one RC had a comparative passage about water on the moon? and the other one was pretty easy but for some reason I don't remember any of the topics :( (Please say you didn't get the moon passage)

    As for the logic games, I can't remember the topics but I remember the first two sections being pretty straightforward, but the last two games gave me a panic attack because I had difficulty making any key inferences.
  • shizuokatwin379shizuokatwin379 Alum Member
    edited March 2016 95 karma
    Yeah, until we hear more about what we are allowed to say it's best to be vague. The water on the moon is 100% experimental. :)
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    You can freely discuss topics to indicate what was the experimental. So for example you could say I had a sequencing game about cars and a grouping game about artists. That's really all you need to be able to figure it out. What you can't discuss is details, answers, etc.
  • shizuokatwin379shizuokatwin379 Alum Member
    edited March 2016 95 karma
    Thanks pacifico
  • aarmadilloaarmadillo Alum Member
    20 karma
    The print vs television ads was the real one. I had a bad feeling I spent too much time on such an easy game and turned out I was right..

    Was your last RC passage about laws regarding marriage and coverture laws?
  • WillJayKWillJayK Alum Member
    163 karma
    I had one RC section and it was about volcanic ashes, marriage/coverture laws.

    Could you tell me if your logic game section was something about full/routine classification?
    I had two logic games and do not have a idea of what was the real one.
  • shizuokatwin379shizuokatwin379 Alum Member
    edited March 2016 95 karma
    Had that too, not sure which of two sections though.
  • ann.hlee2014ann.hlee2014 Member
    edited March 2016 11 karma
    ^^ that LG is real, I remember that because I messed up on it haha. I had RC experimental and apparently the moon is the experimental one.

    Weird thing on my LSAC account though - LSAT status turned to grey and says score release 2/29/2016, which makes NO sense since that's a day after we took the test. Googling says that if the indicators turn grey that means scores will be released within the day but I don't understand why it changed already. Are you guys seeing the same thing?
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    That is because yesterday was gray day for regular test takers. It might be a glitch or a feature but I'm sure you'll have your scores in a few weeks time.
  • bonniesummer86bonniesummer86 Core Member
    7 karma
    I have RC section, which one will be the experimental ?
  • shizuokatwin379shizuokatwin379 Alum Member
    95 karma
    Lol, I just checked mine too, and that's the quickest gray day turn around I've ever seen :p It says my score email date was 2/29/16 apparently.

    And Puiniha, read above, it's answered here.

    And on a side note, what are you all predicting as far as your scores? If the experimental LG had been real for me I'd be predicting a 174-177 from how I felt, but alas it wasn't, so I really have no idea. I'm hoping I only did badly enough to warrant a low 170's, but could definitely see it dipping into high 160's. That's just my gut feeling though, it takes for granted that I did as well in the RC and LR's as I felt I did. I feel like I managed LG -4/-6??, RC -0/-1, LR -0/-2, LR -1/-3. So Here's to hoping.
  • prepies04prepies04 Alum Member
    edited March 2016 12 karma
    I had LR/RC/LG/LR/RC. The first RC section was significantly easier. I think the marriage/coverture passage was on the second section (likely the real one). I also had the water on the moon comparative, which i think was on the first section.
    Did anyone else find the last game on LG to be difficult? It was a game about routine/blahblah inspections. im sure i missed a big inference somewhere.
  • shizuokatwin379shizuokatwin379 Alum Member
    edited March 2016 95 karma
    Oh, I think we had 102 questions? Anyone else more certain?
  • prepies04prepies04 Alum Member
    12 karma
    @shizuokatwin379 what do they do if they determine i talked too much?
  • shizuokatwin379shizuokatwin379 Alum Member
    95 karma
    I actually have no idea, wouldn't want to find out though lol. Might send you to sleep with the fishes.
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    @prepies04 said:
    what do they do if they determine i talked too much?
    I just edit your comments :) LSAC on the other hand, will probably come down a lot harder. Just stick to the safe side and try not to post too much info.
  • shizuokatwin379shizuokatwin379 Alum Member
    95 karma
    So how did everyone do?

    While I'm disappointed a bit that I just missed getting top 1% because I know I'm capable of it, I'm very happy with my score!

    I'm thinking I did exactly like I thought after the test. LG -4/-6??, RC -0/-1, LR -0/-2, LR -1/-3. It fits my score.

    FINALLY finished with the LSAT!!! WOOHOO
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