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Answer page

Mark TenorioMark Tenorio Free Trial Member
edited May 2013 in Technical Problems 304 karma
Hi Alan,

I noticed that for every PT, you have to fill out the answer sheet no matter what in order to get to the explanation video.

I've already taken a few PT's before the LSAT score sheet was implemented and for some of those PT's I don't have my answer anymore (all i have is my PT with writing and scibbles on it which I just use to refer too). I've used my own spreadsheet prior to the implemented lsat score sheet.

If possible, would it be possible for video explanations to have its own little dropbox with a heading like "Video Explanation for Preptest X" in each PT webpage that you can open and close like in the "Progress" page for each PT without having to resort to filling out the answer sheet? (e.g., if you click the title of a group of question types like "Method of Reasoning", it collapses the lessons and uncollapse them clicked on the title again".

What i've been doing when reviewing older PT's that I took awhile ago, I would bubble in one random answer choice, then click "Score" and then scroll and look for the question that I would need a video explanation for.


  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma
    Hi Mark, thanks for letting me know about this hassle! I think we may add a button to skip the answersheet and go straight to the answers and explanations.

    In the meantime you should be able to hit "Save and Score LSAT" (Enter key also works) without entering in any answers at all to get to the explanations faster.

    I just noticed that the explanations aren't showing up properly for some of the LSATs. Sorry! I'm working on it right now.
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma
    Forget what I said before about hitting "Save and Score LSAT" without entering in any answers - if you do that the explanations won't show up properly. I'm working on an alternate way to see all explanations.
  • Mark TenorioMark Tenorio Free Trial Member
    304 karma
    Lol yeah, thats what i meant XD. You have to at least enter in one answer to get to the vid explanations
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    3128 karma
    Haha, yeah I was way off >_<

    I put the feature in just now. You should see it on the Review lessons for preptests on the top left. It's a small link that reads "(Jump straight to explanations)".
  • Mark TenorioMark Tenorio Free Trial Member
    304 karma
    Yesss thanks!

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