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Except, Without, Until

ejscool8ejscool8 Free Trial Member
edited June 2013 in General 8 karma
I have heard before that for except without until you are supposed to negate the necessary condition and the sufficient condition and turn it into the contra-positive. I often find this difficult and/ or confusing and I was wondering if there was a simpler way to do it. Examples would be appreciated :)


  • PeterPeter Free Trial Member
    90 karma
    For unless, "A will occur unless B occurs", I think of it as B is necessary for stopping A (or B is necessary for not A). That would be (not) A -> B

    ex. Spurs will sweep unless Heats wins a game. In other words, Heats must win a game to stop Spurs from sweeping.

    (not) Spurs sweep series -> Heats wins a game
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14277 karma
  • ejscool8ejscool8 Free Trial Member
    8 karma
    thank you so much!
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