Proctors: 4-5 women. One was very particular about not having water bottles on the desks for some reason. Don't think anyone got called out for taking too long. They actually seemed helpful when people had questions.
Facilities: 3rd floor of the law school
What kind of room: Med-Lg size lecture hall
How many in the room: ~100
Desks: More like big tables. Plenty of room for any papers. Lots of space between you and the person/people next to you.
Left-handed accommodation: Since they were tables it wasn't really an issue
Noise levels: Fine, didn't have any issues at all.
Parking: Had to pay but it was a couple blocks away and there was plenty of parking.
Time elapsed from arrival to test: ~2 hours
Irregularities or mishaps: None
Other comments: I think this is a great spot to take the test. Of all of the things I was worried about, none happened.
Would you take the test here again? Yes, actually I am in June.
Date[s] of Exam[s]: 12/2015