Proctors: Both were very professional. In my room which held about 30-40 students, there were two proctors.
Facilities: It was held in SU Sullivan Hall, their law school. Very nice and new building. Bathrooms throughout and close to classrooms.
What kind of room: Large classrooms, set up stadium style, with desks quite like tables, rolling chairs.
How many in the room: 30-40 students per classroom
Desks: Large table-like desks. Stadium seating. Seated every other chair, so there was an entire table for one tester, and space to spread out booklets, etc.
Left-handed accommodation: I am not a leftie, but with the seating arrangement, I am sure it would've been no problem.
Noise levels: SCARY SILENT.
Parking: Easy on a Saturday to find paid garage parking.
Time elapsed from arrival to test: 1 hour, 15 minutes. 30 minutes to check in, standing in line, 45 waiting in the room to start testing after listening to instructions, had 3 late admitted arrivals.
Irregularities or mishaps: None.
Other comments: Great experience.
Would you take the test here again? Yes
Date[s] of Exam[s]: 12/5/15