Proctors: Very professional and helpful.
Facilities: Really great - held in the SU law school building. One advantage here - you can take PTs in this building to get used to the space before your administration (I suggest coming on a Friday, when they have less classes). I took 3-4 PTs here before my actual test and really felt at ease due to familiarity with the space.
What kind of room: Large lecture style classroom.
How many in the room: Probably 50
Desks: Long table desks shared by 2 students each for the administration - there was plenty of room to work.
Left-handed accommodation: I didn't pay attention to this, but there was so much space it probably wasn't an issue.
Noise levels: Very quiet.
Parking: Tough in this area, unless you want to pay for on campus parking; I got dropped off
Time elapsed from arrival to test: This was my only complaint, mandated arrival time was 8:30, then check-in, after which you are not allowed to use the bathroom... we didn't begin the test until close to 10, so it can be a long time to wait before the break to use the bathroom.
Irregularities or mishaps: One person did not have a scantron inside her shrink-wrapped test booklet. The proctors had to stop the whole room to go find her a scantron, and it probably delayed our start time by about 15 minutes. However, I'm not sure the test center or proctors could have done anything differently to avoid this.
Other comments: My main complaint is the severe restrictions on bathroom use, but the LSAC is to blame for that, not the test center.
Would you take the test here again? Yes
Date[s] of Exam[s]: 12/5/15