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[Test Center Review] Loyalist College, Bellville, Ontario, Canada.

hiba.siddiqi3hiba.siddiqi3 Free Trial Member
in General 16 karma
The proctor went a little fast for me. She kind of rushed the paper work in the beginning, and before the start of a section she would start the timer a little too fast for me to be able to let my brain catch up at the end of the section. The facilities were good, the room was relatively well lighted, the clock was within a distance where I could easily discern the time, and the tables which were long wooden ones in rows with 2 to 3 people each were relatively comfortable. There were about 40 people in the room. I did not see any left handed accommodation but of course that was also because they were just desks and you had room enough to lean to the left or right in order to take the test, whichever your comfortable with. Noise level was good and minimal. I got a ride there so I'm not too sure how the parking was like. It didn't take long for us to start the test after completing the initial paperwork. Less than 20 minutes. There was one mishap, which was during my break when one of the test takers in front of me was called outside with his test because he had been in possession with a digital watch which the proctor failed to notice despite the fact that it was on the table. I'm not sure I would want to take the test there again, it was too far and everything felt too rushed. Our group was the first to finish the test and things seemed slightly disorganized. I took the test there in December 2014.
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