PT47.S1.Q24 - manufacturer's instructions for assembling a product

cliveclivecliveclive Alum Member
edited December 2015 in Logical Reasoning 4 karma

This is what I don't understand how answer B can be eliminated, "the manufacturer's instructions for assembling a product should be written in such a way that most CONSUMERS would find it much easier to put the product together" answer choice B says that someone OTHER than the consumer will assemble it for them, therefore, the suggestion does not apply because the consumer themselves do not have to assemble the product, so weather the instructions change or not the subject of the argument is not affected and therefore irrelevant, making answer B ideal. Am I over analyzing this too much or what?
help me obi-wan, your my only hope...


  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma
    I'm not Obi-Wan, but...okay, I'll accept being called Obi-Wan.

    "[W]hether the instructions change or not, the subject of the argument is not affected" <- this piece of your analysis is absolutely right. But does that analysis answer the question you're asked? Read the question stem very carefully and think about whether or not the irrelevance of answer choice B satisfies the call of the question.
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