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Conditional Logic

emilycyoung1emilycyoung1 Free Trial Member
in General 234 karma
I am having trouble fully grasping conditional logic. I understand it to an extent but not as much as I think I should to truly master this test. Any tips?


  • LsatbreakingnewsLsatbreakingnews Alum Member
    392 karma
    This happened to me at first too. I found taking a break and reviewing the lessons helped. Say I got stuck on something, I would come back the next day and try it again.
  • legal_namelegal_name Alum Member
    277 karma
    It takes time to get used to thinking this way especially if you don't have a background in philosophy, I've found. I would recommend testing yourself daily with flashcards and trying to apply it to daily life. Breaking down conversations. Or, pausing your favourite show to consider how a line that had a conditional indicator could be translated.
  • The AviatorThe Aviator Member
    69 karma
    I had struggles with conditional logic too, and I found completing and reviewing those conditional statement translations quizs after each lesson is very helpful (you have to register for core curriculum first though). I also go back and review them every once in a while.
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    What is it about conditional logic that you're having trouble with?
  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8699 karma
    Getting a firm grasp on conditional logic is in my estimation akin to learning a new language or a new skill like boxing or jiu jitsu or something. Foundations are very important. I would recommend any of the packages that 7Sage has for foundations and these forum boards for any specifics that might be tripping you up! There are tons of helpful people on these boards! But in the mean time, whats troubling you?
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