Skipping explanations = bad?

dervy2017dervy2017 Member
in General 72 karma
As I'm working through some of the sections, for example the strengthening questions - I'm first printing off the particular question, working on it, and then watching the video. This is before the practice/drilling section. If I have the question right, I move on to the next item. If I get it wrong, I do sit down and go through the whole video.

Am I shooting myself in the foot here, or do you all do this as well?


  • LSATKingsmanLSATKingsman Alum Member
    1024 karma
    You should do it timed. Then do it again untimed. Be able to justify why your answer is correct and why the others are wrong. Then watch the video. Those questions were selected by @"J.Y. Ping" for a reason. I would make damn sure I watch every video in the course, then once you are on PT's perhaps you can skip the video for questions you have down.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @LSATKingsman said:
    I would make damn sure I watch every video in the course, then once you are on PT's perhaps you can skip the video for questions you have down.
    That is absolutely right!

    There have been times where I've watched explanations for questions I got correct, only to learn I got the answer right for the wrong reasons. It also just helps to reinforce the proper thought processes.
  • dervy2017dervy2017 Member
    72 karma
    Good call. When I work through these questions, I do them timed, and am also ensuring that I am finding reasons not only to chose the right answer, but also negate the wrong ones as you mentioned. You reasoning makes sense as well - will stop doing this. Last thing I want to do is shoot myself in the foot; I want every advantage possible.

    I will say - the Logical Reasoning curriculum is incredible. I pulled a LR section from test 7 and drilled under timed conditions - and I absolutely crushed it (-2, timed). Much better than my performance on the diagnostic (June '07). I'm seeking to maximize my time figuring out logic games (was hopeless on the diagnostic) and speeding my my RC.
  • dervy2017dervy2017 Member
    72 karma
    @"Alex Divine" said:
    There have been times where I've watched explanations for questions I got correct, only to learn I got the answer right for the wrong reasons.
    Yep, this is what I'm most afraid of. Will definitely make a point to stick with the explanations for every question.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @dervy2017 Yeah, they honestly might take a bit longer to go through, but it is so worth it. There is absolutely no downside, and will only make you better. Besides, that is the best part of the Ultimate package --- lots of explanations!
  • dervy2017dervy2017 Member
    72 karma
    @"Alex Divine" You're not kidding. I've managed to incorporate the analogy of Jedi using the Force into my common parlance. :S
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    Haha! @dervy2017 YES! JY's lingo has certainly permeated my lexicon.
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