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Really Struggling with LGs

ejs23ejs23 Member
in Logic Games 41 karma
I've been studying for the LSAT starting in early June and whilst other sections of the test have been manageable, LG section does not seem to show any improvement. I consistently get at least 1-2 questions wrong and even though I watch the videos and do the questions again, I always get at least one question wrong. I feel so stuck in the cycle of failure in the LG section. I keep on getting discouraged by my score. I am currently doing fool-proof method but this does not seem to give me any boost in scores.

Any advice will be deeply apprecited :)!!!


  • jknaufjknauf Alum Member
    1741 karma
    My advice, which may be contradictory to some other opinions, is sit down and focus on nothing but logic games for an extended amount of time. I would suggest 2-3 weeks. Longer if you need it. I'm currently working on my 4th week of nothing but logic games and I have seen MAJOR improvement.

    Another piece of advice is look for patterns in question types you get wrong. While reviewing one day, I realized I was missing EXCEPT questions quite frequently. It was one of those EUREKA moments. This seemingly simple idea was overlooked so many times. All it took was a little change of thinking and problem / pattern recognition to overcome. This lead to an additional 1-2 points per section.

    Additionally, enjoy logic games!!! For me, this has been the most enjoyable part of my LSAT studies. We need to make the most out of it. There is no better feeling than starting a very difficult game and creating a Dirty Hypothetical that just blows the game apart. I encourage you to inbox me with any questions! Good luck, fellow sager! :D
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @jknauf said:
    My advice, which may be contradictory to some other opinions, is sit down and focus on nothing but logic games for an extended amount of time. I would suggest 2-3 weeks. Longer if you need it. I'm currently working on my 4th week of nothing but logic games and I have seen MAJOR improvement.
    This is exactly what I did! I literally did a logic games intensive for 3-4 weeks. Nothing but games. It really helped me start to get my speed and accuracy up, but most importantly, my confidence. Don't despair, I felt the same way with logic games. I just couldn't get the hang of them. I eventually just stopped timing myself and focused 100% on accuracy. After a month of nothing but LG, I was in a much better place.

    I also discovered I was having problems specifically with grouping games, and that is what I needed to focus most on. So I went back and watched the advanced lawgic lessons on the core curriculum and started getting better at those.
  • dreamvilledreamville Member
    99 karma
    @jknauf said:
    sit down and focus on nothing but logic games for an extended amount of time
    I echo this. LG is an area you can improve on. Doing an LG 'mini-camp' where all of your attention is focused on drilling and BR will definitely result in positive gains. What's helping me is increasing reps and just visually seeing as many games as possible. A few of things that happen when you do this:

    1) Allows you to go through the repetitive mental process which sharpens and improves inference-making ability.
    2) Spot familiar trends among all games.
    3) Be able to pin down a strategy that works for you (which questions to skip, etc.)

    You can also weave in LR/RC in between as you see fit. Hope that helps.
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    @ejs23 I think you should take a break. Like atleast take the rest of the week off and maybe the weekend. The absolute worst thing you could feel is discouragement because it can mess up your whole mood, and it shows in your work.

    Try not to focus on the score so much right now, or at all, you're only at the beginning. Use a stopwatch and scratch paper, keep note of the time, BR. And dig deep. Find the best way to notate things, connect inferences, draw a neater sketch. Review. Watch the vid, compare your strategy to Jy's. What could you do different? What did you do that was good? Erase your answers. Then do it again, record your time, and score in the bottom of the page, br. Do it again record your time and score, figure out why something is wrong. Do it till you get under time and zero wrong. After multiple tries you'll see those numbers get smaller and it will motivate you to keep going. Trust me.

    This stuff takes time, but take it day by day.
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    2086 karma
    Improving on LG requires constant exposure to the games. There are inferences to be made, and often those inferences transfer from one game to the others. Keep drilling the games, and fool proof them. If you can afford to, spend an entire month focusing on LG - don't neglect LR and RC.
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