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Last PT was a 165! Now what?

combsnicombsni Free Trial Member
in General 652 karma
I still have like 6 weeks until test day and I have improved a lot over the past two months. Reading comprehension is currently a work in progress but I'm feeling pretty good. What should I be doing from now until test day?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited August 2016 23929 karma
    That's awesome! Congrats on the improvement!

    I think I remember reading a thread a while back that said 165 was your goal? So it looks like you are in a good spot with 6 weeks left. I think the common wisdom is to be scoring 3 points higher than your goal to account for the test day drop many experience.

    In any case, I don't think you can go wrong with good old fashion practice testing and blind review. Then perhaps on days you aren't PT'ing or BR'ing, you can drill your weaknesses like RC, any particular LR question types giving you trouble.

    Happy to hear you reached your goal :)
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    Congratulations!! It seems like you got the CC down pact so your best bet is to PT stimulating test day conditions (wake up early, take test under strict timing and in a setting that is similar to your test site) and more importantly you want to make sure your BR is absolutely on point. It's common to drop a few points from your last 5 PTs to keep that in mind for the next 6 weeks.
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