PT68.S4.G4 - an editor will edit seven articles

stcaitmokyustcaitmokyu Free Trial Member
edited August 2016 in Logic Games 68 karma
I have a question about one of the rules...the rule says "S CAN be earlier than Q only if Q is third." I thought it is different from saying "S IS earlier than Q only if Q is third" so I thought S is not nec. to be earlier than Q or if we take the contrapositive of the rule, when Q is not third, we do not have to have Q-S.
But when I watched the video JY explained we actually treat it same as other rules that do not cantain CAN.
So we do not have to take it consideration? (the word "can")


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8723 karma
    Yeah, you are on the right track with your inquiry. Q in the third spot is the necessary condition for any variation of S-Q (which, from the onset really only works out to be two variations: S1-Q3 or S2-Q3). We then couple this with rule #1 and S2-Q3 is no longer a valid placement of the variables, leaving us with 1 valid way to have an S-Q arrangement: S1-Q3. It just so happens that we cannot have a valid world in which Q3 and Q-S. Given the first rule and the S-Y spacing.

    The deeper level of your question is that when a necessary condition has been fulfilled, the sufficient condition can either happen or not.
  • stcaitmokyustcaitmokyu Free Trial Member
    68 karma
    So..this is not true for MAY or others right?
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