PT15.S2.Q24 - people were asked in a survey how old they felt

SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
edited August 2016 in Logical Reasoning 1278 karma
So the correct answer is A. I'm really confused by the answer choices and the stimulus.

When I read it, I initially thought this is an extreme example that uses examples within examples because the whole point of the example is that people would elect to feel 75% of their age. However, the example keeps going back with the ages and I don't think his ultimate conclusion is representative of how someone at 48 years old would feel.

My issue with A is it says projecting many responses from many individuals, and while the stimulus acknowledges that it's example is using a hypothetical person not all the diversity of age responses recorded.

B) looked very attractive to me

C) Also looks attractive, but I think there isn't an overly sweeping generalization, it is making a generalization from recorded responses.

D) The first part of this looks good to me, but the author never claims one of the statements is false, he uses it to prove a point.

E) There is nothing about experimenter expectations of respondents, or manipulation of responses, so I think this answer choice is irrelevant.

PLEASE HELP!! Because I hate this question and am really stuck. :/


  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    Mmmmmmm so I was stuck between (B) and (C) when I answered this so I definitely didn't understand this very well on my first read through but here goes my interpretation.

    The argument the speaker is making is that there is an ambiguity in the conclusion that people responded 75% of their real age. The speaker corrects this ambiguity by saying that it would be illogical to interpret this statement to its logical extreme, like in the hypothetical example the speaker provides. He does this by saying we shouldn't interpret the results to mean that the respondent of the survey was taking 75% of x and then 75% of that number and then the next number (aka 48 = thinking of yourself as a child) -- the respondent was only taking 75% of one number.

    I read (A) as saying that it wants to qualify the results by saying we can only apply this conclusion to one person and one calculation (.75 x actual age) of that person.
  • imran123imran123 Free Trial Member
    67 karma
    I was actually stuck between A and E
    B says "Reinterpretating what certain people actaully said...."
    In the stimulus, we are given an example but not real data. that way, I can eliminate B.

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