Edited out passage because it was word for word. Please paraphrase. I wanted to ask if this is the breakdown. because in J.Y.'s video he says that where it states "so it is no less wrong to grant this power to society" is the conclusion, but i see that as the sub conclusion.
and I thought the main conclusion would be [The ancient Greeks failed to recognize that morally, democracy is no improvement over monarchy] ..... because then you say "why should i believe this" and the rest of the argument tells you why.
I think it would be highly unusual for a "match the flaw" question to have two answers that match the huge, glaring flaw between the premise and the subconclusion perfectly and are distinguished by how well they match the connection between the subconclusion and the overall conclusion.
I think that's why JY is identifying the "it is no less wrong" sentence as the conclusion - to let us know that this is where we need to focus our attention.
If this were a question about "what's the conclusion of this argument" I think you are right that the first sentence is trying to be the overall conclusion, but I have a feeling the connection would have been a bit tighter and more obvious (like "Greeks erroneously believed democracy was morally superior").