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Submit Apps without new LSAT score?

Jules802Jules802 Member
edited September 2016 in Law School Admissions 133 karma
Hi all,

Just looking for a little feedback/wanting to confirm I'm making the right choice here. I am 3+ years out of school and committed to applying to schools this year. I took the LSAT over 2 years ago with minimal studying and scored below the 25% at all T14 schools that I now plan on applying to this cycle. I will be taking the LSAT in December and my current PT average is at the median for about half the schools I plan on applying to in the T14. I hope to raise my score 3-5 points over the next few months, for a little bit greater margin of error for a score I'd be happy with. My GPA is at or above the median for most schools.

My questions is, since I could technically submit a completed application at schools now and then indicate I am retaking the December test, is there any advantage to doing this? I am leaning towards preparing all my applications and then if all goes as planned submitting my applications within a few days of LSAT scores being released in January but just wanted to make sure I was thinking this through correctly and not putting myself at any disadvantage.

Thanks for any advice :)


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @Jules802 said:

    My questions is, since I could technically submit a completed application at schools now and then indicate I am retaking the December test, is there any advantage to doing this?

    Yes. There 100% is. The reason why an admissions consultant gave to do this was because adcomms return after the holidays to a deluge of applications that still need to be fully processed. Yours will take much longer to get to putting you at a disadvantage. If you apply sooner and request your apps be put on hold until you get your December score you will be able to avoid some of the delay with your apps.

  • Jules802Jules802 Member
    133 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Thanks for the quick reply!

    I do recognize that, but I suppose I was leaning the other way for a few reasons. While I have really committed myself to this test over the past year and am confident I will do substantially better on the December test than I did on my first take, I'm hesitant to submit before that score gets released because at the end of the day the people looking at apps are still people with judgement and I'm worried that they will look at my previous score (without seeing a new competitive score) and not give my app the full consideration it would get with a new improved score included. I also plan on writing an addendum as I expect/hope that there will be a significant difference in my two LSAT scores but I wouldn't be able to write that until I actually got my new score back.

    Thoughts? Thanks for all your contributions on the forums!
  • Jules802Jules802 Member
    133 karma
    Bumping this...any other comments/views appreciated!
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @Jules802 said:
    Thoughts? Thanks for all your contributions on the forums!
    My pleasure! I love helping and talking about law school/ LSAT stuff. I was the kid in high school on TopLawSchool, so I learned a lot about the nuances of the app process.

    So it seems like your situation is a bit different because you already have an LSAT score - that does seem to chance the calculus now doesn't it? Especially being that you want to write an addendum.

    My thoughts are still that it is better to apply without the new score and request that the app be held. the adcomms aren't going to deny you straight up without a new LSAT score if you request a hold. I see your concern, but I think the risk outweighs the reward here. Either way schools are going to see the other LSAT score. I don't think most schools tend to care and only focus on the highest score.

  • Jules802Jules802 Member
    133 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Haha TLS in high school...I wish I was that ahead of the game!

    So if I do submit earlier in the cycle without a new score would it be too presumptuous to write an addendum explaining my previous score and thens saying I expect my new score to be very different? I feel like schools would want an explanation for a major discrepancy,but also realize that while PT's are a good indication, anything could theoretically happen on test day, so don't want to come off as too confident or entitled.
    Also, while only a few T14 schools seem to accept February scores I do plan on taking the February test if I don't reach my full potential in December. This is definitely a last resort option, but I did hold off on the September test (even being only 2 points away from my target) to have February as a fall back. After submitting applications/getting my December score could I e-mail schools and indicate I planned on taking the Feb test? Will any of the T14 that say you need to take the test by December still consider a Feb score?
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited September 2016 23929 karma
    Suffice it to say I was not a playboy with the ladies back then, lol.

    That is an excellent question. To be honest, I think it is a little above my pay grade to answer that. I would think the addendum should be written subsequently unless you just absolutely dropped the ball with the previous take. For example, a friend of mine sat for the MCATs while he had a fever and bronchitis so bad he was coughing blood. He scored way below his average. So something like this I suppose you could write the addendum before hand. Or some other severe complication. Otherwise, I would say to definitely wait or don't write one at all. From my knowledge, Adcomms really don't like addendums for non-serious reasons.

    Still though, take that advice with a small grain of salt. I'll try to do some research and see if I can get some more info on this specific situation. However. for some reason I would think waiting to submit the addendum seems the prudent course of action.
    @Jules802 said:
    After submitting applications/getting my December score could I e-mail schools and indicate I planned on taking the Feb test? Will any of the T14 that say you need to take the test by December still consider a Feb score?
    I think it varies by the school. I know some don't and some do consider Feb scores when you contact them with the new score in hand. But yes, some will absolutely consider a Feb score.

  • Jules802Jules802 Member
    133 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Haha, thanks for the reply! Appreciate your feedback and advice :)
  • Jules802Jules802 Member
    133 karma
    Does anyone else have experience with this situation? Thanks!
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