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need some cheer up

diefor170diefor170 Member
in General 129 karma
I have just upgraded to ultimate+ from ultimate for the sake of newer PT explanations. I was almost finished with my core curriculum in ultimate account and now the progress bar rolled back.......

Lost some patience/confidence when I logged in again. Wish there could be a function to let us choose the lower account material only.

Hopefully there is enough time for Dec Lsat.


  • GodlyOneGodlyOne Alum Member
    edited September 2016 76 karma
    I almost understand your pain. I just logged in & I am in the beginning stages of my studies. I decided to change my screen name on here, that's when I realized I am enrolled with all the older PT that I don't have. I have PT's 52-77! Ughh. Now I am thinking about upgrading so I can have access to the newer explanations, then I read your comment! My test is in Dec as well!
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    You guys can just skip the extra materials if you don't want to complete it! Click the green checkmark for it to show as "complete" so you don't get anxious. :)
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @diefor170 said:
    I have just upgraded to ultimate+ from ultimate for the sake of newer PT explanations. I was almost finished with my core curriculum in ultimate account and now the progress bar rolled back.......
    @"Dillon A. Wright" said:
    You guys can just skip the extra materials if you don't want to complete it! Click the green checkmark for it to show as "complete" so you don't get anxious. :
    Yup as Dillon says you can check all the green checks to get your progress back. I upgraded and had to do the same thing, lol.

    Cheer up - you have lots more to learn and now all the resources and tools in the world to do it.
  • MrSamIamMrSamIam Inactive ⭐
    edited September 2016 2086 karma
    Don't worry about the progress bar. A huge portion of that is the problem sets. Many of us do 2-4 sets, and save the rest for the purpose of drilling.
    Instead of focusing on the progress bar, complete the core curriculum, and replace said progress with the PT/BR analytics section. That's what you should be focusing on anyways.
    The progress bar tells you how much of the course you have completed. The analytics section outlines your strengths and weaknesses, and tells you how much progress you've actually made.
  • desire2learndesire2learn Member
    1171 karma
    I'm with all of the above advice but I do understand the psychological aspect of striving for that CC completion. I was disappointed when I finished all the main CC and to progress bar said 99% and not 100% because of the Substitution and Equivalence lesson that comes with the later PTs. Don't let it stop your momentum. Realize that you are using all of the information for your benefit. You don't HAVE to do it in one prescribed manner (although I did wait to do the S & E curriculum until I was at the "correct" point in my PTs). Many of us have adapted sections and schedules to serve our needs best, you should too!
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