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does anyone have a list of outlier logic games and LR questions from PT 60-78?

edited September 2016 in General 760 karma
Hey! Does anyone have a list of outlier logic games and LR questions from PT 60-78? For those writing in September but don't have the time to go through all those PTs. I'm still unsure if I'm taking the September test. Time is ticking :( I'm planning to take PT 72 this saturday before I make a decision. Thanks in advance!


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8723 karma
    I don't have a comprehensive list by any means, but have focused a ton of time on achieving mastery over games on the LSAT. Off the top of my head, the games that I found to be outliers or difficult in the range you indicated were (in no particular order)
    77-Game 3 (offices)
    72-Game 4 (workpiece)
    75-Game 4(magazine)
    62-Game 2(Windows)
    67-Game 4 (Zones)
    68-Game 4 (The hardest game of this set IMO)

    *68-Game 3 isn't a pound-for-pound difficult game IMO, but it is a tiny bit weird and is right before 68-Game 4.

    Also, although beyond the scope of your original question the following is the checklist I use for myself when assessing what my games skills objectively look like:

    36-Game 3-If you can get through this with a -0 in 12 minutes or less, I would be confident in my conditional logic skills.
    2-Game 3-if you could get through this in less than 8 minutes with a -0, I would be confident in my numerical distribution skills.
    41-Game 4-If you have a clear and concise plan of attack for a game like this, that yields -0 in less than 9 minutes, I would be confident in my ability to handle this type of game.
    Preptest C-If you can finish this set in 33 minutes for a -0, I would be confident in my endurance for games.
    2-Game 1 and 74 Game 1 if you can finish both of these games in under 9 minutes combined for a -0, then I would feel confident in my ability to get past easier games in a timely manner in order to bank time to more difficult ones later in the section.

    In my estimation, if the answer to everything above was "yes," I assert with a high degree of confidence that you are essentially ready for anything the LSAT will throw you as far as games.

  • ay_fegetaboutitay_fegetaboutit Alum Member
    116 karma
    PT 60 game 3 is a really odd one
  • DEC_LSATDEC_LSAT Alum Member
    760 karma
    @David3389 WOW, thank you! You're awesome.
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