Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Registering for another test - 7Sage Forum

Registering for another test

meg_14meg_14 Free Trial Member
edited June 2014 in September 2014 LSAT 4 karma
I'm just took the June LSAT, and I basically took it cold turkey (stop judging me, I can practically feel the disgusted glares as I type). I am already planning on taking another one in the Fall, but I can't decide if it would be better for me to take the September test and have a guaranteed early admin result, or to wait until December and have more time to really study. I'm expecting this score to be somewhere in the 150's, and honestly the test doesn't really stress me out, I just want to be confident in achieving a higher score. I know that I am capable of the score that I want (168), it's just a matter of putting in the time to really hone in on the skills and methods to taking the test. My plan is to study my butt off until I take it again, I was really disappointed with how much prep I was able to do before this last one, but I already have all of the PowerScore and LSAC books so I'm ready to go. So suggestions on when I should take it again?


  • CFC152436CFC152436 Alum Member
    284 karma
    Depends on your progress. The LSAT will (unfortunately?) always be there, so taking the exam before you feel ready is usually a short-sighted move. Study hard over the summer. If you are PT'ing in the high 160s and low 170s by the end of September, then take the test. If you aren't, keep studying and aim for the December administration.

    Good luck! We'll be here with/for you the whole way!
  • chrijani7chrijani7 Alum Member
    827 karma
    I completely agree with CFC162436, and was going to say something similar. I ended up postponing the June LSAT to September. I was simply not PT'ing in the range I wanted. There is absolutely no point in taking the test before you are 100% confident and prepared. Consistent PT scores in the range you desire (or acceptable range) is a good indicator and a confidence booster, because on the LSAT it is unlikely you will get a score that is drastically higher/lower, and many others have stated you can expect your average PT score +/- a few points.
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