@"Dillon A. Wright" Please delete if I say more than I am allowed.
Our test today was administered while construction crews were working on fixing the street right outside the testing room. The jack hammering started during section 2 I believe and continued uninterrupted until finally it got so bad that the proctor STOPPED OUR EXAM IN THE MIDDLE OF A SECTION!!!!!!!! But of course not until the JACK HAMMERING! was right next to the building and the entire building was shaking! Repeat, THERE WAS AN INDUSTRIAL SIZED JACK HAMMER ATTACHED TO A BOBCAT PULVERIZING THE CONCRETE ABOUT FIVE FEET AWAY FROM WHERE PEOPLE WERE TAKING THE LSAT! It was terrible before that but the entire building shaking just made it so extra absurd. We sat there for over an hour with our tests closed MID-SECTION! while the silliness continued. Then we finished the rest of the test. So, yeah, no big deal.
I don't even know what to say. It was beyond description and 100% more surreal than I can convey.
AAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! (followed by laughter because the only thing we could all do today was just laugh at the ridiculousness of it all)