Does anybody know of LR questions that are grouped together by the type of flaw? A group of questions that all contain correlation/causation flaws, circular reasoning, etc. for drilling and BR. I'm trying to get more familiar with the way the flaws are worded in AC. On the harder flaw questions I don't always recognize the flaw or I'm not interpreting the answer choices to be that flaw. The latter is more often. When I prephrase I have the correct flaw but sometimes the answer choices are just worded crazy and I have no clue what they're saying. Also, I noticed someone on a forum indicating the flaw for the wrong answer choices. Anyone do this during the timed PT, or do you do it just during BR? When eliminating AC my thought process is normally, "no, the author doesn't do this," and I just move on rather than indicating what flaw that AC is describing.
I also keep a list of the flaw questions I got wrong so that I can review which flaws I am weak on. Thankfully, flaw questions are one of the most learnable LR types. There are only so many common flaws and they repeat often.
If you notice that there is a certain flaw type giving you trouble, I would highly recommend keeping a list.
It defiantly helps to know what kind of flaw you're looking at and how to attack it. The trainer has also helped me with flaws. Before you find out that you got something wrong write or type out the explanation to yourself and why each answer choice is right or wrong. That is something that has helped me immensely. Watch the video and compare your reasoning to jy's.